

Every human being’s inherent dignity is realised and developed through continuing education, regardless of individual differences and diversity. We at aspire advocate for the third pillar in the work-life-learn balance: learning.
We motivate and inspire action with passion and energy. We unite people in the need and concern for lifelong learning.
Our basic principle is to provide access to learning for everyone, regardless of status.
We believe that all people must be enabled through (further) education to make a vital contribution to society. Because: Education provides confidence. Education provides security. Education provides connection to others.

Education provides security.

Education provides connection to others.

Education provides confidence.


“The only constant is change”. That was yesterday. In our times, this maxim has been outpaced at the speed of light. Since 2020, here has been new frame of reference for the pace of change.
Change is global, rapid, erratic and encroaches on all aspects of human life. Technology/digitalisation, artificial intelligence and climate change, migration and increasing insecurity among the population: everything is interconnected and has a global impact.

Together, therefore, at the aspire-group we are anticipating adaptation to this change.
We will create the access to knowledge that will be so urgently needed in the future in order to be successful as an individual, as a company and, on a larger scale, as a national economy.